Jeremy Abramson is known as the high energy coach who helps top-level executives and entrepreneurs unleash their fullest potential. He is recognized around the world for his expertise in mindful movement, integrative nutrition, and brain chemistry.

Like most people, I spent most of my life just living. Unconscious of my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. And this is the way that most people navigate through life. Going through the motions and never truly unleashing their full potential.

In July of 2014, before turning 24 years old, my life was flipped upside down. In a 48 hour span, I unexpectedly got fired from my dream job and discovered the girl I was dating had been unfaithful our entire relationship.

Feeling lost, I knew it was time for a serious change. While most of my friends from high school were still smoking weed and playing Nintendo, I decided to visit a friend in South Florida for a week.

I vividly remember calling my dad while walking on the beach saying “I want to live here.” 2 months later, I packed up my Honda CR-V and made the cross country road trip. I didn’t really have a concrete plan, but I had something much more powerful.

“My biggest fear is being good. Good is the opposite of great.”



This move was the first time I can remember truly trusting my inner compass and embracing uncertainty. These last 6 years in South Florida have been a beautiful journey, filled with unparalleled growth, connection, and a fair share of obstacles along the way. I am beyond grateful for every experience along the way, including sleeping in my Honda for 9 nights, while surviving on PB & J sandwiches.

With these challenges came tremendous growth. I discovered my passion for serving others. I dedicated my existence to learning, growing, and teaching every day. I found my voice and finally stepped into my power as a leader and creator. I gained clarity on my mission to empower others to live a life filled with movement, gratitude, and joy. I could keep going, but I’ll save the rest for my first book 🙂

The reason I want to share this with you is that I believe that YOU too are capable of achieving anything you desire. You are unique. You are 1 of 1.

I am grateful to be on this journey together.


You are exactly where you need to be. Reading this exact word in this exact moment. Buckle up. It’s going to be an epic ride!


With Love and Light,


“PURPOSE is the ultimate fuel for our journey through life.”


  • NCSF Personal Trainer
  • Onnit Academy Kettlebells
  • FMS Level 2 (Functional Movement Systems)
  • Onnit Academy Foundations o Precision Nutrition Coach
  • Animal Flow Levels 1 & 2
  • FRC (Mobility Specialist)

Jeremy Abramson